Security at a university is of utmost importance these days. Most campuses are continually refining their security features, and ensuring that almost every building on campus is secure is an absolute must. One of the key features is the presence of an officer in residence halls and buildings, and installing security desks at each door can help make that more possible.

Why a Security Desk is Important for Campus Security

With a security desk at each door, officers can often serve as the gatekeeper to a given facility. It automatically becomes their job to monitor who comes and goes into these areas, and gives students and staff a check-in spot in the event of an emergency. Creating a strong presence is half of the battle with security today, and officers who have that presence build an unstoppable rapport with students and staff, creating a far more protected environment.

The Right Features

Simply placing an unused desk at the door, though, won’t solve your problems. A security desk should be the ideal workspace for your officers and include a place for their computer, office supplies, sign in sheets and an area to complete paperwork. It should also have an area where they can view any camera screens for given areas. Having locked drawers for securely storing certain items is also important and it’s a good idea for the desk to be put on casters so it can be moved to different locations. Carroll Seating specializes in creating customized solutions for your work spaces and can provide you with the features needed for all of your security desks.

Size of Your Security Desk

The size of your security desk will depend on the area that you are placing it in. Larger areas would require a larger space ensure they’re easy to see. There are places though that space is at a premium so a smaller security desk will be required. No matter what size you need, we can help.

Learn more about security desk options when you contact us today.