In almost any setting, metal lockers can be the right choice. A staple for schools and daycares, they’re hardly just for children. Many of the world’s toughest jobs demand secure lockers including police and fire personnel. Military bases often use them for various reasons, and even everyday locations like stores and fitness centers utilize these essential storage tools. For each of these uses, and more, there’s a metal specialty locker to fit the bill.  As you work to decide what might be right for your facility, you may want to consider the following.

Wall Mounted or Free Standing: Metal specialty lockers come in two basic forms, those that stand on their own and those that are wall mounted. While free standing lockers have the obvious advantage of being able to reconfigure your space at any time, wall mounted lockers are a great choice in many different situations. Often they can give you the valuable floor space you need for other applications.

blog3aLocker Size: Lockers are hardly stuck in the standard five foot size. Instead, you can go much smaller or quite a bit bigger, depending on your needs. If you need lockers to store athletic gear, for instance, you may want to go with a double width locker. If you’re looking to go with a space saver, lockers that run just a foot or two in height may fit the bill perfectly. Look carefully at exactly how you plan to use these lockers, then decide what size may work best for you.

Security Options: Some lockers were made for school locker rooms. Others were made to hold evidence for use at a later time. The higher the level of security necessary for the locker contents, the more shopping you may want to do. Lockers specifically designed to hold firearms, evidence, and other dangerous materials are out there, but you must realize the locker’s purpose and search for the ideal solution.

Specialty metal lockers are widely available, and at Carroll Seating Company, we can help you find exactly what you need. Contact us today for more information.