ADA-Compliant Gym Bleachers for Your School’s Gymnasium
ADA-Compliant Gym Bleachers for Your School’s Gymnasium
Does your school follow ADA regulations for gymnasium bleachers?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has multiple rules regarding accessible seating in gyms and stadiums. New stadiums must have accessible gym bleachers for students and their families with disabilities, so everyone can enjoy equal access to sports and entertainment. Luckily, complying with the ADA’s rules can be easy while shopping for new gym bleachers, thanks to Carroll Seating and our wide array of sports entertainment seating solutions.
What Features Do ADA Accessible Stadiums Need to Have?
Your school’s gym or stadium must comply with federal regulations in regard to gym bleachers. According to the ADA, all new stadiums must have certain accessibility features to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game without difficulty. These gym bleacher features should include:
Wheelchair accessible gym bleachers that make up at least 1% of all of the seats in the gym
and provide lines of sight comparable to the ones that other spectators enjoy.
Accessible gym bleachers that are an integral part of the gym seating plan so that people
who are using wheelchairs do not experience isolation during the game.
Accessible gym bleachers that are on an open flat space, is slip-resistant and stable, and
has a smooth surface.
Companion seats next to each wheelchair gym bleacher area so that a companion can join
the wheelchair-bound person.
Accessible seating locations in all areas of the gym bleachers, including specialty areas like
sky boxes.
Availability of folding or removable seating for non-disabled people to use in wheelchair
gym bleachers if no person using a wheelchair is using those areas.
Accessible routes to guide people in wheelchairs from the gym bleachers to their seats,
parking lots, stages, performing areas, locker rooms, and public areas, such as bathrooms
and concession stands.
Accessible gym bleachers for people who do not use wheelchairs but have a mobility
disability – at least 1% of fixed seats in the bleachers must be on the aisle with either no
armrest or a removable armrest.
These requirements may seem lengthy and difficult to implement. However, they are incredibly important to ensure that every student and spectator at your school can participate in the same activities. In addition, finding ADA-compliant gym bleachers is not a difficult task when you enlist the services of Carroll Seating.
Why Are ADA Accessible Gym Bleachers Important?
Many schools overlook ADA requirements for gym bleachers for multiple reasons, from the presumed high cost or the belief that disabled students do not attend sporting events. However, these assumptions could not be further from the truth. Investing in ADA accessible gym bleachers is not only important to ensure that all students feel welcome. Your school could face consequences if its seating is not accessible. Not complying with the ADA requirements regarding gym bleachers can lead to lawsuits against your school or district.
In addition, you could receive fines anywhere between $75,000 and $150,000.
All students deserve to enjoy equal access to the same events and experiences as their peers. By investing in ADA-compliant gym bleachers for your stadium or gym, you are not only saving yourself from potential liability – you ensure that your school is a welcoming environment for all students.
Where Can My School Purchase ADA-Compliant Gym Bleachers?
Investing in ADA-compliant gym bleachers is easy when you choose Carroll Seating. We provide custom gymnasium seating for your school that meets all regulations set forth by the federal government. Contact us today to inquire about our ADA bleacher solutions for schools in Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, and more.
