Choosing the Best K12 Desks and Chairs
When you think back to your school days, whether sitting on a carpet to listen to your kindergarten teacher read a story or trudging through the halls in high school, which words come to mind? We’re sure you have a long list – and that “comfort” is not high on it. Research shows, however, that the environment in which students learn has a significant impact on their learning. A comfortable, well-planned classroom is a critical component of education. So how do you choose the best K-12 desks and chairs?
A few considerations to keep in mind when choosing classroom desks and chairs:
Soft padding on chairs. There isn’t any empirical evidence that sitting on a hard chair improves IQs or test scores! Padding can make students much more comfortable – and stop some of the fidgeting and moving around that is so common in classrooms.
- Height. Choosing desks and chairs with appropriate heights is critical for both function and comfort. A kindergartner for instance, will be quite content with a 12-inch chair. For a high school senior, that small chair will quickly become a torture device. Carroll Seating Company can help you achieve the right fit for students from kindergarten through high school.
- Durability. Schools never have unlimited budgets, so you need to choose products that stand up to continuous use year after year. We use only the best materials from respected manufacturers to ensure you get the high quality your school and students deserve. And it helps when they remain just as comfortable on Day 1000 as they were on Day 1.
- Purpose. The days of endless rows of desks are over in many schools. Classrooms are much more dynamic, and teachers need to provide space and furniture to accommodate activity centers, collaborative work, computer work stations, space for individual and quiet work, and more. Think about what students need at different ages. Which desks and chairs will meet those requirements and help them learn? At the same time, which offer the flexibility teachers need to regroup, rearrange, and reenergize their classrooms?
- Versatility. Today’s designs are intended to be configured and reconfigured so educators can accomplish different goals. One day, class might center around collaborative group work. The next, students work independently on writing projects. The next…well, the options are endless. Some chair designs, too, accommodate different levels of activity. So if students need to twist, turn, get up, and get down for active learning, their chairs can keep up while keeping children comfortable.
- Technology integration. Solutions can also help teachers integrate technology, from grounded power plugs to connectivity aids, to different areas of the classroom without snaking dangerous power cords all over the floor.
When students have a well-equipped, well-planned classroom, they’re more prepared to learn. Desks and chairs are essential tools for education. Ensuring greater comfort can facilitate better academic and social results. That’s asking a lot of your furniture – but Carroll Seating will help you deliver.