What You Need to Know About Upholstered Portable Seating
When looking to upgrade your current old metal folding chairs, you may want to consider customized portable seating. Comfortable, flexible, and reliable, portable chairs are perfect for any space.
One of the quickest ways to turn a space into an event venue or meeting area is through the use of portable seating. If you have not considered the ways that portable seating can bring new revenue into existing spaces, then here are a few things you need to know about portable seating.
Adding upholstered seating creates more opportunities for existing space usage. Consider a public building with a large hall. Portable seating means more opportunities to hold awards banquets, to invite speakers for presentations and many other usages of the space. This is especially important if you are trying to build or revive an interest in the space.
Portable seating means options when it comes to the kinds of events you can hold in the space. The very nature of portable seating means you can design the setup as you wish with quite a bit of ease. Tear down will be quick and easy. Chairs in rows or semi-circles are easy to pull off and the designs are only limited by your creativity.
Customized portable seating is also an excellent branding opportunity. Specialized seating, for example, for VIPs and guests can be created with your business logo, team symbol or any other branded features you would like. What an exciting – and portable – way to promote your team!
Far from the old metal folding chairs of yesterday, modern portable seating is comfortable, a marketing opportunity and a great way to generate additional usage of larger spaces. While you can still order efficient folding all-metal chairs, today’s options include every sort of customization, from wider seats, tablet arms, cup holders, wood grain trim and your choice of upholstery.
Why not investigate how upholstered portable seating can change the way you use the spaces you are in?